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Defensive Driving


To prevent accidents by trying to anticipate hazardous situations and adjusting driver behavior to compensate. 


The defensive driver tries to recognize potentially hazardous situations sufficiently in advance to allow time to safely maneuver past them. The defensive driver assumes that other drivers may make mistakes and is on guard in the event an error is made. The defensive driver searches ahead of what is immediately in front, to have advance warning of approaching hazards.

Questions for Management:

1. Do you periodically have a qualified person ride along with the drivers to evaluate their defensive driving habits? 
2. Do the drivers understand how they should be driving to be defensive drivers? 
3. Do drivers recognize that common situations such as crossing intersections, entering expressways and stopping can be hazardous? 
4. What does the company do to encourage defensive driving? 
5. Have the drivers been trained in regard to defensive driving? 
6. Are the drivers aware of the concept of “preventable accident”? 
7. Does the company have an accident review program for classifying preventable and non-preventable accidents? 
8. Has the company defined a standard for judging safe driving performance for its drivers?

Driving Tips:

  • Keep 100% of your attention on driving at all times. Don’t get distracted.
  • Make time in your trip to schedule breaks for food and rest.
  • Adjust your seat, mirrors, and climate controls before putting the car in gear.
  • Secure cargo that may move around while the vehicle is in motion. Don’t attempt to retrieve items that fall on the floor.
  • Learn to recognize driving situations that can be hazardous. Assume other drivers will make errors.
  • Adjust speed, position, direction and attention to be able to maneuver safely if a hazard develops. Keeping a 2-4 second cushion between you and the vehicle in front of you.
  • Scan far enough ahead to be able to react safely to approaching situations. Scan frequently to the side and rear for passing or approaching vehicles. Scan thoroughly before changing speed or direction.
  • Think Safetly. Do not Speed. Drive Sober. Wear a Seat Belt. Do not Text.

Professional Safety Consulting

Professional Safety Consulting