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Avoid Skidding – Part 1

Skidding can happen to anyone, with any vehicle, in any weather, and can quickly turn into a complete loss of control for an unprepared driver. Even during the best of conditions, the safety-conscious driver should be aware of his/her vehicle’s stopping distance, prepare for any known hazards, and know that there will be unknown hazards ahead.

Load Up

As a professional driver, you should already be aware of the approximate stopping distance for your unit in various conditions. However, this information is useless if all aspects of your vehicle are not functioning as they should. Before you head out, make sure during your pre-trip inspection you thoroughly checked the tire pressure, tread depth, brakes, tail/head lights, windshield wipers/washer fluid and mirrors. All of these items, if defective, could negatively affect your perception, reaction and actual stopping distance.


When heading into colder conditions for every 10°(F) drop in temperature, the air pressure in your tires will decrease about 3 psi, weakening its grip on the road. Also, if a tire has low pressure, it reduces its ability to push water/snow out from under the tire, causing your unit to skid or hydroplane at lower speeds.

Professional Safety Consulting

Professional Safety Consulting