How do drivers keep busy?
Off-Duty time, 30 minute break, or just waiting to unload/reload, it can be hard to keep your mind busy. Several drivers have found ways to keep the boredom at bay. With modern technology we can get TV on our cell phones, but even after a while that can get lackluster. Even reading at times can be dull. Do not forget to try new things every once in awhile. Below are a few suggestions for you to think about.
Chess / Checkers / Scrabble / Photography / Sudoku / Card Games / Writing / Blogging / Hiking / Learning a foreign language / Drawing / Painting / Bowling / Astronomy / Woodwork / Whittling / Opera Singing / Learning to play a musical instrument / Collecting stamps, postcards, marbles, ect / Magic tricks
Some of these you can find applications to download to your cell phone. (Please remember to use your cellular device when you are not driving).