There is a difference between award programs and incentive programs. Award programs work by recognizing drivers who have achieved success (e.g., accident-free miles/year). Awards could include certificates, plaques, recognition in a newsletter, etc. Conversely, incentive programs work by rewarding drivers for reaching a specific goal (e.g., reduced OOS rates, accident frequency, etc.) in tangible ways (e.g., cash, bonus, raise, etc.). Incentive programs typically cost more to administer than award programs. Ironically, however, there is no proof that incentive programs work any better than award programs. In that regard, sincere recognition seems to go a long way.
The American Trucking Associations’ Safe Driver Awards Program is a common method throughout the industry of promoting safety among drivers. The rules for the safety awards program are outlined in the ATA Safe Driving Award rules. This is a fairly inexpensive method of driver recognition, and awards those drivers who drive continuously without a preventable accident, for each year of driving.
You can obtain further information from the American Trucking Associations (ATA).